Thursday, March 14, 2013

Breaking: Radical Wahhabi Groups in Tripoli, Lebanon Attack & Burn Fuel Tanks Heading to Syria

Herds of Wahhabi gangsters stopped, emptied and burnt 7 oil tankers in Bab Tebbanneh in Tripoli, north of Lebanon. The tankers with Syrian plate numbers carrying fuel from Lebanese private sector and heading to companies in Syria were stopped after some fanatic Wahhabi clerics called on their followers to stop the tankers before reaching the Syrian people.

Not the first time tankers heading from Lebanon to Syria were stopped but the first time their fuel were emptied into a river, Abu Ali river, and the tankers smashed then burnt. No casualties reported so far. The radicals wrote on the tankers 'Jabhat Al Nusra' (Al Nusra Front) aka Al Qaeda aka Free Syrian Army or FSA.

- The above information were posted by real Syrian activists from Syria & around the world, not by western intelligent post offices duped activists.

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