Monday, February 25, 2013

Jordan Officially Denies Syrian Pilot Defected with Aircraft on Monday

An official source to General Command of the Armed forces of Jordan on Monday denied the false News reports that a Syrian Pilot had defected to Jordan with his Plane, adding that no Syrian Aircraft had entered Jordanian airspace.

The official source said, in remarks reported by the official news agency "Petra" that the information published by some websites, the Syrian plane landed at an air base in the "retail", and was likely that the pilot was a defector from the Syrian regime,  are completely "false and baseless."

The source pointed out that there are Jordanian aircrafts, (F16) and helicopters, that are on routine training flights from time to time, and there was no breach of the border between Jordan and Syria, by either combat aircraft or helicopter or military vehicles.

The source called on the Media to be more ethical and accurate, and not rely on the views citizens, or unreliable sources."...JA

- The above information were posted by real Syrian activists from Syria & around the world, not by western intelligent post offices duped activists.

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