Al-Jaafari : UNSC Required Now More Than Ever to Shoulder its Responsibilities to Combat Terrorism in Syria Nov 15, 2012
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NEW YORK, (SANA)_ Syria's Representative to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari stressed that the terrorist acts in Syria have escalated recently and the extremist terrorist groups continue their criminal practices using bloody methods though carrying out suicide car bomb attacks or explosive belts, not to mention planting explosive devices to destroy vital facilities and infrastructure. Al-Jaafari was speaking at the UN Security Council's public session held on Wednesday to hear chairmen of the sub-committees for combating terrorism. He added that these criminal acts aimed at spreading panic among the citizens and causing massive destruction to the state and the society, in addition to the killing and injury of a large number of innocent civilians, which became evident in the several terrorist bombings hit different areas in Syria. Al-Jaafari said that most of the terrorist acts in Syria held the imprint of the jihadist Wahabi Salafi thinking, summed up in al-Qaeda organization and its mentality of killing and mutilating bodies depending on extremist religious opinions and sectarian fatwas issued by instigators living in the Gulf. He stressed his country's keenness, since the very beginning of the events, on confirming the presence of al-Qaeda-linked armed terrorist groups that commit the most heinous crimes in Syria Al-Jaafari asserted that there are many political sides who are involved in the crisis in Syria and the media which support them rushed to raise doubts about the verity of this information. "Today, we are witnessing the direct result of this political and media manipulation as al-Qaeda- linked groups announced responsibility for several terrorist attacks in Syria in response to the calls of some al-Qaeda leaders such as al-Zawahiri and other religion-traders in the Gulf who call to go for jihad in Syria through terrorism," he said. Al-Jaafari went on to say: "It became clear to all who are the countries and sides that support the armed terrorist groups as these groups' announcement of killing innocent civilians and sabotaging infrastructure after every terrorist attack became normal," " Moreover, we witnessed unprecedented phenomenon as some members states of the UN Security Council opposed issuing statements condemning the terrorist bombings which hit Syria four times on August 15th, September 10th, October 22nd and October 26th, " he clarified. Al-Jaafari said : "The ignorance of committing such terrorist acts which violate the international agreements on combating terrorism is surprising , particularly after the recent developments represented in the threats by the armed terrorists groups active in Syria to carry out terrorist attacks against civil aviation, in addition to threatening members of diplomatic missions in Damascus to leave the country within 72 hours otherwise they will be killed not to mention overlooking continuous ignition to commit terrorist acts and target infrastructure and densely populated areas," Al-Jaafari added that the fleeing of hundreds of prisoners affiliated to al-Qaeda from prisons in Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan during the crisis in Syria arouse several questions, wondering if it is an accident that all these jihadist takfiri terrorists found their way to Syria to join jihad. Al-Jaafari said : " Let's put the situation in Syria aside and suppose that the United Nations is dealing with a crisis in an indefinite state and this state is facing terrorists coming from all over the world with extremist motives to spread violence and terrorism and destroy this state which is a UN member and committed to the UN mechanisms to combat terrorism, rather this state is providing the council with accurate information that leaves no room for doubt that it is facing organized terrorism on its territories," "In turn, there are some member states claim keenness on implementing the UN mechanisms to combat terrorism and protect human rights and donate to establish a center for combating terrorism and whose senior officials declare that they support terrorism and send weapons and arms to the terrorists in that state. What can the council do in such case?" al-Jaafari inquired. "Might the solution be in ignoring the information and following up on what is taking place on the ground in that state and the meeting of those who claim to be friends of the Syrian people and care about their lives ? Or might it be the formation of special committees at the Security Council to seriously look in the terrorism which hit that state to define the identity of instigators, financiers and those who justify such terrorism and take necessary measures to end it and hold countries and groups behind it accountable? He said that the UNSC is required now more than ever to shoulder its responsibilities to combat terrorism in Syria in terms of its resolutions and take immediate and necessary measures to halt all terrorist practices in Syria, in addition to extremely pressuring countries which fund and instigate the groups which commit terrorism to adhere to the UNSC resolutions on combating terrorism or those on Syria. Al-Jaafari :Resolutions on Syria in the Human Rights Council Report Based on Unilateral Information Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari expressed concern over efforts to make the Human Rights Council a private sector that works according to narrow political agendas that serve some powerful countries and violate the main goals of establishing the council. Speaking at the UN General Assembly's session to discuss the report of the human right council in New York held on Wednesday, al-Jaafari said that the resolutions regarding Syria which have been mentioned in the report were based on unilateral information and formulated in an unprecedented misleading and malicious manner against the Syrian state and people. He added that the resolutions condemned one side which is the Syrian government with no single term demanding the armed terrorist groups to halt violence, put arms aside and sit down around the national dialogue table to solve the crisis according to the principles of the peaceful solution in regard to the six-point plan, Geneva statement and Brahimi's mission. Moreover, those who are responsible for formulating such resolutions and claim to defend human rights ignored the indication to the deterioration of the economic and humanitarian situation in Syria due to the unilateral economic procedures imposed by the European Union, the US and some Arab countries agianst the Syrian people, al-Jaafari said. He called upon the chairman of the UN Human Rights Council to use its influence and power and call upon the countries involved in harboring, arming, supplying and funding the armed groups to stop their practices against the Syrian people. Al-Jaafari held these countries the responsibility of terrifying Syrian citizens, forcing them to leave their houses and making them refugees, in addition to undermining the stability in Syria. R. Raslan/ Ghossoun |
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